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What is a general dentist, and what are their responsibilities?

Murphy Dentistry • Jul 10, 2020

Dentistry, just like medicine, is a fast specializing field. These days, it's hard to find a doctor who is a general family practitioner. More and more physicians are specializing in specific types of medicine. This reality is due primarily to the way insurance systems pay out. It is also a reflection of local market realities. The same situation plays out in the world of dentistry. While there are still a lot of general dentists, more and more dentists are specializing. This trend is not going to go away any time soon.

Still, it's a good idea to get a basic understanding of what they do and who they are if you are looking for a general dentist. To put it in a nutshell, general dentists help people of all ages with their dental care. There are specialist dentists that focus on specific age groups.

There are periodontists, and these provide dental care to children and teens. Some geriatric dentists focus on older patients. Regardless of a person's age range, everyone needs to see these professionals regularly to prevent dental diseases and fix general dental problems that crop up from time to time.

If anything, a general dentist can also perform routine examinations of your teeth and gums, which can help diagnose or even prevent more serious issues from developing. Did you know that certain types of cancer and cardiovascular health are tied to your oral health?

Many people don't know about this correlation between a person's overall dental health and their chances of suffering from a heart attack or high blood pressure. Viewed in this context, it makes a lot of sense to seek a general dentist's services so you can adequately monitor the state of your dental health.

What treatments do general dentists usually carry out?

General dentists usually work in missing teeth problems. For example, if you have a tooth that fell out or needs to have an extraction, your questions don't end with the pain. The pain goes away very quickly with the removal of the tooth. Now the solution brings to the table a new challenge.

What are you going to do with the space between your teeth? This part is where bridges come in. A general dentist can help you with all sorts of missing teeth issues. They can also put in crowns when your teeth break or don't look that appealing.

When you develop cavities, they are adequately trained to fill them in and provide root canal treatments for holes that run much deeper. They will also place a crown on teeth that they file down in the process of restoration. General dentists also recommend braces, and they routinely remove wisdom teeth.

What are the qualifications of a general dentist?

A general dentist must have an undergraduate education. College training usually involves 4 years at a college or university, culminating in a bachelor's diploma. Once they receive their bachelor's degree, they go on to 4 more years of dental school. Dental schools in the United States are heavily regulated. Not all universities can open a dental school. They are accredited and closely monitored by a national board that governs dentistry practice in the United States.

They then need to go through specialized training for cosmetic procedures. For example, if they want to be a periodontist, they will have to go through three additional years of training. Some dentists are designated as Doctor of Dental Medicine. Whatever the case may be for a person to practice general dentistry in any state, they must pass a board exam.

Do I need a general dentist or a specialist?

It depends on the kind of problem you are facing. There are various dental services that a general dentist can provide and problems and issues with your oral health that are within their expertise to address. However, some concerns may go beyond their knowledge or even if they can treat them, they know that there are better specialists who can do a better job. They know full well that the best thing to do for you is to recommend you to the appropriate specialist.

For example, if you are suffering from issues involving the surface of your teeth, you can safely talk to a general dentist and get work done. On the other hand, if you are dealing with bleeding or receding gums, or worse yet, you need an implant put that requires surgery, your best bet is to get your general dentist to refer you to a periodontist.

There are other specialists in the dental practice. You don’t have to know all of them since your point person will always be your general dentist. If you are connected to one, he or she will direct you to the necessary specialists who can deal best with your particular dental situation.

The final word

Your choice of a general dentist can go a long way in preserving the overall health of your teeth. Most of the dental services you will need in your lifetime may be addressed by a general dentist. If you are diligent in your oral hygiene, there may be no need for you to ever see another specialist apart from your general dentist. He or she may be all you need.

However, should you need to see a dental specialist, say a periodontist, at one point in your life, your general dentist is still the person who can guide you towards the right direction.

Take time to consider which general dentist you want to see for all your dental needs. Your option is not a decision to be taken lightly. Choose wisely.

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